Wednesday, September 12, 2012

BlogHer '13

I am so excited - I just bought my ticket to BlogHer 2013 in Chicago!

One, I've always wanted to go to Chicago. Oprah, deep dish pizza, hot dog stands, cool buildings um...lots of other cool stuff, but mostly food! It just seems like such a cool city and I can't believe I haven't been yet.

Two, I joined BlogHer maybe just last year (I know, I'm such a newb!) and it's such a great community! I am so excited to possibly meet some bloggers I've only seen online, like Dagmar Bleasdale and Caz Makepeace.

Can't wait!

Another great thing is I've switched to Disqus for comments on my blogs now, so people can reply and follow comments. So good things are coming up!

Let me know if I'll be seeing you at the conference next year! We'll make a coffee date!


Sheldon Cooper said...

You'll enjoy Chicago, just make sure you don't end in up in some of the rough south side neighborhoods by accident ;)
My sister lives about 50 miles from Chicago, and I've loved it other than the awful humidity during the summer.

Kelly @OneQuarterMama said...

well we often have crazy 80% humidity here in Montreal, so I'll probably survive. I am an expert on getting lost, so I will try to stick to good areas!

Lee Valdez said...
